Average of Donation Participation Rate

        The average donation participation rate data is collected from Giving Korea, Social Survey, Korea Welfare Panel Study, National Survey of Tax and Benefit (NaSTaB), Seoul Welfare Survey, and Seoul Survey.

  • The most representative giving dataset, Giving Korea, has been researching giving behaviors and attitudes since 2000. According to Giving Korea, the donation participation rate recorded 55% in 2009, 57.5% in 2011, 48.5% in 2013. After falling below 50% in 2013 for the first time, it shows a downward trend. In 2019, the latest survey, the participation rate was 46.5%.
  • The research method was to request a research institute for a face-to-face survey from 2001 to 2004. In 2016, it changed to a phone survey, and it has been surveyed online since 2018. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the gap between each research method. Depending on the definition of donation, the research result may differ. For example, the donation includes charitable giving and religious giving, such as the offerings, when the religious giving was not covered in 2001. From 2004 to 2014, charitable giving contained helping acquaintances, like cousins and the homeless. On the other hand, donations made only through organizations or institutions meant the “donation”. Direct donations to individuals are excepted. (Source: 한국 기부문화 조망 20년 (20 Years of Giving Culture in Korea). p.63)
  • The most cited national statistics, Social Survey, the donation participation rate gradually decreased starting from 36.4% in 2011, it recorded 25.6% in 2019, and 21.6% in 2021.
  • The donation participation rate is differently shown in the other datasets due to the definition of donation, the survey target, and the survey method. (Source: 한국의 나눔 행동과 태도 측정 : 방법론적 고찰(Measuring Giving Behavior and Attitudes in Korea: A Methodological Review))

<Unit: %>

Donation Participation Rate graph


Average Amount of Donation

  • According to Giving Korea, average amount of donation per donator in 2011 was ₩244,000 (₩219,000), ₩393,000 (₩373,000) in 2015, and ₩265,000 (₩264,000) in 2019.
  • In Social Survey,it shows a continuous upward trend. ₩188,000 (₩167,000) in 2011, ₩387,000 (₩378,000) in 2017, and ₩588,000 (₩603,000) in 2021.

*( ): Inflation not reflected.

<Unit : 1,000won, 2020 Inflation Rate=100>

Average Amount of Donation graph

*Average amount of donation, except for zero donation.


Donation Participation Rate

Donation Participation Rate table

Average Amount of Donation

Average Amount of Donation table

Inflation Reflected Average Amount of Donation (2020=100) Average Amount of Donation, Inflation reflected table