SUMMER 2022 | VOL. 3 ISSUE 2

How was your summer? Summer in Korea has been extremely hot and humid. It seems like the temperature is getting higher and higher throughout the world. 
I hope you are doing alright.
Mini-Interns from Kean University

Last month, students of Kean University visited The Beautiful Foundation all the way from New Jersey, the United States. The students participated in the mini-internship, successfully working on the assignments. Three groups of students chose three different non-profit organizations(NPOs) in different regions. Each group presented the comparisons on The Beautiful Foundation and the NPOs. 
① Non-Profit Organizations Comparisons
  • Chaudhary Foundation
  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • The Association of German Foundations
② Non-Profit Organizations Comparisons
  • King Baudouin Foundation
  • Community Foundation of Singapore
  • Elizabeth Coalition
③ Non-Profit Organizations Comparisons
  • Give2Asia
  • The Muttart Foundation
  •  World Hope International
2022 Philanthropy Thesis Award

On March 24th, The Center on Philanthropy at the Beautiful Foundation launched a meaningful award ceremony. Three theses in total, as follows, received the 2022 Philanthropy Thesis Award.
6 Jahamun-ro 19-gil, Jongno-gu, seoul (110-035) ROK 
Tel. +82-2-6930-4556 | Fax. +82-2-6930-4598 |
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