About us
What we do
Giving Korea
Conducted since 2000, Giving Korea is a data-driven study of the giving trends of South Korea. Between 2000 to 2015, we alternated each year between the study of individual giving and corporate giving. Since 2016, we have changed the study of CSR to examining nonprofits. Giving Korea aims to better promote a giving culture and make solid policy recommendations regarding donations in South Korea.
Special Research
Every year, we conduct research projects on specific themes that raise society's awareness of giving, improve the capabilities of nonprofits, and provide more efficient policies.
Global Projects
We also follow international trends in research on philanthropy and participate in collaborative research projects with organizations across the globe, including the Doing Good Index by the Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society and the Global Philanthropy Index by Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy to further advance the efforts for a mature giving culture.
Other Papers
We provide papers and translated works on topics relevant for practitioners and the body of philanthropy research.
Symposiums & Seminars
Giving Korea Symposium
We hold an annual symposium where we share the results of Giving Korea and related research projects. The symposium disseminates up-to-date trends and models in philanthropy in Korea and abroad to offer insights into achieving a more creative and mature giving culture in Korea.
Seminars & Special Lectures
Our seminars and special lectures on specific topics allow individuals to exchange ideas about ways to promote philanthropy and to help giving take root among Koreans. The overarching aim is to empower grassroots practitioners and encourage scholars in the field of philanthropy.
Philanthropy Research Centers Network
The Philanthropy Research Centers Network is a network comprising The Center on Philanthropy at The Beautiful Foundation, the Research Center on Philanthropy at Community Chest of Korea, and the Child Welfare Research Center at ChildFund Korea that share knowledge on philanthropy to further the study of philanthropy and expand the culture of giving.
Research Grants
Postgraduate Students' Theses and Reports
Our research grants fund postgraduate students pursuing research on philanthropy-related topics, with the aim to encourage the study of philanthropy and ultimately advance the field.
Nanum Books Series
Nanum Books (Nanum means ‘to share’ in Korean) is the book series on philanthropy published by The Beautiful Foundation. The series began in 2001 by the wish of a donor who recognized how the growth of knowledge in philanthropy is central to the development of this field. Books cover philanthropic issues, operation of NPOs, effective fundraising, NPO management, and more.